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A summary of my season

Big Mat

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Unfortunally due to a broken car, i've not be able to get in a few flights on the last days i'm able to before the end of the season so i'll put up a little summary of how it was.


This season was my first season fowling, i was shown the marsh and proposed into the club by Graham aka ayano3 on here. The club has a rule of a minimum of the first 6 flights to be accompanied by an experience fowler, Graham kindly agreed to take me under his wing and take me out on the flights.


September the first soon came along and i found myself setting off in the landy with the dog in the direction of sheps whites at some hour of the day i don't usually see. In the car park where a few other pigeon watch members and soon the marsh warden arrived who was taking me out as Graham had a couple of other guys to take out. I had two shots that morning but nothing came down.


A picture from the first few weeks of the season, i can't quite remember when it was.




With the days i was working early season i quite often had days off during the week, so one thursday Graham arranged for his friend Phil to take me down the marsh for a flight and show me another part of the marsh. We had mallard come over us but i was unsure if they were in range so i let them pass. Phil got a mallard which he very kindly gave to me.


Unfortunally i was without a camera so i wasnt able to get any pictures for most of october/november.


I went out on many flights with pigeon watch members, DerbyshireDale, steve (whos pigeon watch name i cant remember), barrold to name a few.


When the geese arrived i was out on quite a few flights, i had shots but unfortunally my shooting skills let me down. Theres been quite a few memerable flights but it'd take me all day to recount them so i wont.


Come the new year and i've been doing less flights so various reasons but one in particular comes to mind.


I was meeting barrold off here down the camp for a morning flight, i'd been out on the other end of the marsh and got a fair idea of where to be the next morning. We met up and set off to the spot i had in mind, bit of a moon that day and we could hear the pinks calling as we walked on. After a while the first pinks started coming off, high in all places but the odd skein came over low enough and barrold dropped one, with my gun jamming before i could get the second shot off. The sun rose on a misty marsh with several thousand pinks coming off that morning. Quite possible the most memberable flight of the season.


I've found most fowlers i've met to be very helpful, whether i've known them or not. Our marsh warden has taken me on several flights and shown me different parts of the marsh. The banter has been excellent as well at all times, especially when the derbyshire boys were down!


All in all i've been on quite a few flights, had a few shots but i did not shoot anything all season. But the main thing in my opinion is that i've enjoyed every moment of it, whether i've been warm and dry on the bank, or coated in mud and soaked through in the creek.


And last of all, a big thanks to Graham aka ayano3. He has helped me immenstly over the season and still continues to with pigeon shooting and general helpfulness. I know i'm not the only one on here he has helped as well.


Roll on September the first!


Quite alot more pictures.



























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Nice write up Matt. Its been a pleasure to take you out, not often us so called experienced Wildfowlers could say that about someone your age, many dont make the grade and many are not willing to get out of bed and dedicate their time. You are in the minority. You have took on-board pretty much everything we have told you and the fact you still keep going after not coming away with the rewards you deserve for your effort speaks volumes about your attitude to the sport. You have fitted in with all the regulars who frequent the marsh, that isn't always easy :yes:


Come the new year and i've been doing less flights so various reasons but one in particular comes to mind.

You did get way 'layed' by the girl :friends: who your frequented the woods at Sandringham with, but Phil & I thought you had more chance of getting something down 'sheps' than you did at the Royal Estate :lol: .....but your shooting let you down.


Personally my shooting season has been poor if you count 'numbers in the bag' but if you look at the far bigger picture its been a very rewarding one for me. As above, I have taken Matt on many trips and taught him the very basics. I have also taken Derbyshiredale (Dale), Brownshooter (Steve) Lister1, Barrold, Harrycat and some of their friends on a day ticket basis, hopefully I have helped them learn a little about all aspects of Wildfowling. My priority has always been keeping them safe. We have shared many a laugh at each others expense and had many good stories over breakfast. Make sure you all join again next year guys.

(Incidentally, I even take some out from rival clubs which goes down like a lead balloon with some people but I am deaf as a doorpost at times. :yahoo: )


I will be looking forward to next season, just the same as the last 30 something! I may have a some new members to look after next year again, if so they will have a lot to live up to to follow in Matt's shoes.



Matt does have one problem...he never shares the cake with anyone. The dogs dont even get a crumb.

Edited by ayano3
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I think you and Phil where right about be having more chance of bagging something down sheps :lol:


I did share the cake on on the odd occasion i think :rolleyes:


I'm certainly looking forward to next season, some time down the clay ground over the off season and some repairs on the car and i'll be all set!

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A good write up there .

I have sent in a application to join Holbeach and district wildfowlers for next season so hopefully will be successful, Graham has kindly let me put his name on the form as a proposer too.

No doubt if my application is approved I will have 101 questions for you guys , I did shoot the marsh at sheps about 25 years ago just for one flight and managed a mallard and two widgeon , in fact I still have not managed to get rid of the taste of widgeon out of my mouth :lol: are they all that bad.

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Shows just how tight Matt is with his cake, poor dog had to come to see if I had anything to offer her. I never take food for me, the dog does get a few bits of the food I stick in my pocket for her, so had to slip his dog a treat or two as she was the typical starving Labrador. She likes sitting with me.


I think I will charge a fiver to anyone sitting within 100 yards of me next season. Or confiscate anything they shoot :lol:

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Oh big fella, i'm touched, can't believe your morning with me was your most memorable :lol:


Like yourself mate, i haven't got down as much since new year, seem to be working every hour god sends to pay for a bloody wedding. However i'll be back next season to show you boys how its done.


Just been filling out my record book and thinking about all the memorable mornings i've had. Its been a cracking season with some firsts for me, met a good bunch of lads and had some great times. Also had the odd time sat out in ******* rain at 5 in the morning wondering if i've lost my sanity. :lol:


So, cheers everyone, can't wait for next season

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I was thinking of getting a punt gun, might put something in the bag with one of those :lol:


I'll still be going down the marsh in the off season, samphire picking and checking out places that i didnt visit this season.


Theres plenty of non shooting things to be done down the marsh, kenzies 2nd bridge needs fixing, bring a hammer :lol:

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Barrold, I doubt you will be getting married as I know what you told us about the terms your bride to be set before she would marry you :friends: dont tell us you have kicked the cooked breakfasts into touch and not stopped off for a sausage bacon and egg buttie ......good luck with the wedding mate and I look forward to seeing you again next season (I think) haha.


Well done this season.



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