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Muntjac mayhem


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A good friend popped round recently to ask me if I'd like to help him reduce the muntjac population on a private estate where the owner said they're causing mayhem. Well, of course I did!

Then came the catch - the estate was 200 miles away, we had to leave at 3:30am... and I had to drive. lol

A small price to pay for all the favours he does me, so I agreed. We arrived just on first light, and decided to spend the morning having a good look around. Although my friend was very familiar with the estate, I was not.

After just a few hundreds yards on foot, the problem was shockingly apparent - there were signs of muntjac everywhere. Between us we saw almost 20 muntjac in about an hour and a half.

We regrouped, had lunch and made our plans for the evening stalk - both of us confident we'd found a few good spots to try. Well, after enduring the blizzard like conditions for only an hour, we had a chat on over the phone and decided to call it a day - having been quite successful. Five in the bag, and two very happy hunters!




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