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pigeon days! any come recomended?

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In some respects we haven't got the pigeons around here like they have further down the country but I do believe it's getting better all the time as more farmers seem to be growing more arable up here these days, I have seen some good numbers around over the past couple of months all be it I have put the miles in, I have had a few days this year around here on barley stubbles I had two 100+ days and a couple of 50+ days so my point is there around if you know where to look.

I know guys who have been on guided days on the pigeons as I have myself up in north east scotland but there usually a few days shooting in the package as its a long way to go for one days shooting but beware they charge and it aint cheap but people pay for it and he is always taking people out, but don't go thinking you have booked a guide you'll get shooting.

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