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BSA superten question


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ok, its been a few years since I had a pcp and need advice on filling the buddy bottle, can remember filling my old s410 to around 200 mark, but was that psi or bar??


on the main filling bottle gauge, I have a dial with a black line for BAR and a red line for PSI the 200 mark is at different points, so what one do I go for?

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Your Super 10 is fitted with a regulator so it dose not have a sweet spot.

It will shoot at the same power from 232 BAR down to app 80 BAR.

If your gun is a .22 cal you should get around 100 full power shots out of a 232 BAR fill.

Filling your buddy bottle is easy but there is a procedure to follow.

You can find it on YOU TUBE has well as de-burring the mags so they are smoother and don`t miss cycle.

To save your threads and the buddy bottle O-ring this is how to take your bottle off.

Turn the buddy bottle one and half turn. Then fire gun with no mag in six to ten times.

It should run out of Air if not turn it another half turn and fire it again ten times.

You will hear the air getting less and less. Then you can take the bottle off with ease.

This stops the bottle being tight all the way off and blowing high pressure air past the 0-ring.



PS/ On You tube just put in BSA Super 10 and you will find lots of vids.


Sorry Bigman I started typing then the evening meal was ready and an hour had pasted.





HAPPY :shoot:

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