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Lithium-Ion battery pack VS Lead Accid

Salop Matt

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As above really guys.

What are the cons other than price of Lithium-Ion packs ?


My last Lead accid pack has died after 8 months which am not too happy about! I bought it off a stand at a gamefair and cant remember who it was so am not able to get it put right !


I was thinking of splashing the cash and spending the money on a:

12v 8AH £120 (50mins on 100watt bulb and 1hr40min on a 50 watt bulb)


12v 10AH £150 (1hr10min on 100watt bulb and 2hr30min on a 50watt bulb)


It would be for my Light force 140 (I dont have a dimmer and am not sure of what bulb is in it currently !) I use the lightforce mainly for ranges of upto 120yards through a red filter !


What would you recomend ?





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The Lithium ION battery is nothing short of superb.I bought the largest one and apart from it's light weight it lasts for hours.

My battery has the power gauge on it so you can check when you need to charge or not!

Quality items like this don't come cheap but this item is worth every penny IMO!

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