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Blue filter.


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Sometimes use a blue one.

Bit better in light fog/mist.

Shines eyes very bright.

Not as light restrictive as red.

And you can flash it out the window to slow the local yob down while he is driving like a **** thru the village.

Oh and its a very soft light.

Edited by cockercas
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I use blue on occassion when you have a fox that is nervous of the red light due to being educated!!!!

The green filter gives good clarity but plays tricks on your eyes and I find all the oncoming car headlights and any white lights then appear pink all the way home.

SSS I'm not sure what lamp you are using but all I use are lightforce lamps and dont find the lamps to dull much at all from white,but I do regularily change my filters if they get scratched as this really does cut the power of the beam.

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