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Beater's days and insurance


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On beater's day a stray shot from one of the beater's guns accidentally hit a picker-up just below the eye cutting her cheek. No real damage but could have been serious an inch higher.

Now I know the beater responsible has no insurance cover of his own. Would the syndicate insurance with BASC cover any claim in this event?

Some other shoots I have beaten on insist on anyone shooting having their own cover or you don't shoot anything, anytime, on the land.



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All depends, if the beater was an official guest of an affiliated BASC syndicate within the terms of the policy, then yes they would be. Otherwise, no they would be on their own. Loss of eye claims will go for £50-100k at the moment, possibly more depending on the nature of the third party's job.



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Thanks for the replies.

Even if covered I can't see it as an excuse for not having your own insurance.


its not but remember he may already have house insurance etc that would cover him, some beaters only shoot a couple of times a year so they don't think about it.

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You have to keep a record of the guest in a permanent form as i said above ' ...or other hard copy'


Under the statute of limitations a claimant will have up to 3 years to make a claim, in such an event we would need to prove to the insurers that this person was an official guest on the day that they claim the injury was sustained.




Edited by David BASC
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most clubs issue day tickets and require a copy of the guns cert, a record of permits issued is kept for such compliance, if you let anyone shoot without BASC cover (I would not) or dont keep a record of guests details (name address phone date of visit) so they get the clubs cover you really are taking a very big risk

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Well here is your first, every shoot at my place where I am the 'keeper, we list all the guns, all the beaters and all the guests, but maybe its not common practice in Hertfordshire... :lol:


Never heard it on any of the syndicates or large estates I've been beating on especially on beaters day admittedly most of the large estates don't have anything to do with BASC so that may be the difference.


Its good to know though its a requirement to take a register if you insure through BASC

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An official guest is one that’s there with the knowledge and consent of the shoot committee / shoot captain and recorded as such in the shoots game book or other register or other hard copy.



so I suppose it would be a good idea whether the shoot is relying on it's syndicate policy or a guns policy to record each days guns and beaters? At the moment we do a sweep but only record first names.
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It does no harm, at all!


As I say a claim from a third party could arrive at any point within 3 years, considerably longer if it’s a beater or picker up making an claim under Employer liability. If you don’t keep proper records how on earth do you know who was insured at the time?


Employers that fail to hold the necessary insurance details risk having to meet the costs of such claims themselves.


I suggest to you that an unofficial guest would not be insured, but how many shoots allow unofficial guests to just pitch up and shot? Mine would not!



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I suggest to you that an unofficial guest would not be insured, but how many shoots allow unofficial guests to just pitch up and shot? Mine would not!




no shoot does which makes the whole terminology a load of bull poop

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Are you speaking as an insurance underwriter Al4x? No ?, I am pleased you always keep your view so succinct, and make your point in such an eloquent fashion :lol: … but I can assure you that under the terms of our policy certain conditions must be met for non BASC members to be covered under BASC liability policy as official guests of the BASC affiliated shoot


Shoots that have insurance cover with another provider will, of course, have to comply with the terms and conditions of that policy, whether you think that to be bull poop or otherwise :)


I am not as confident as you Al4x that never in the history of shooting someone has invited their mate / brother/ sister out shooting over club / syndicate land without the knowledge or consent of the shoot committee and thus their visitor becomes an unofficial guest. :/



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it got diverted to club land, Game syndicates was where we started and most having a number of paying guns would have serious issues with unannounced uninvited guests but I get your gist of it. If you insure through a BASC scheme you need to write it all down to be covered and tick names off each week bit like being back at school, keep records for 3 years etc etc

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