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land rover engine builders

la bala

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Hi lads, do any of you overhaul your landy engines. About a year ago my old 2.25 diesel started smoking and getting through oil, i completely rebuilt the head with new valves, springs, valve inserts and seals, bores and bottom end was ok. Two weeks after rebuild it started to smoke again, when i took head off, two of the exhaust valve seals had come out of groove and were going up and down on valve stems.I wasnt totally happy with the seals when i fitted them, but when you buy aftermarket you get what you get. Anyway off to land rover dealer and bought seals at about 24quid. Four weeks ago, smokey landy again, took head off today, all four exhaust valve seals out of there grooves and half way up valve stems. any landy owners had this happen?

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Never had this trouble on the 21/4 petrol engines I did years ago,dont know if it helps but I always soak my valve seals in oil the day before,somebody told me to do this nearly 30 years ago and I have never had any trouble.

The petrol series I had I rebuilt the engine with ring big ends mains valves and guides,and when I took the head off 9 years later the seals were still in place although a bit hard,only took the head off due to pressurising the system,turned out to be blockage in the header tank,forgot to mention Payen gaskets I always used

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did the seals come in a blue box?


anything rubber or with moving parts dont buy ****part

best part of it is, the original inlet seals came from that place and they havnt moved, originally i replaced the cheap exhaust seals with land rover ones which now, twelve months later are doing the same thing. but there, the valve stem inserts came in a blue box, you pay your money and take your chance.
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