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5 in 1 new petrol strimmer sale or swap

private pike

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hi all i have for sale or swap a 5 in 1 petrol strimmer brand new and unused i got this to use on my allotment but due to me having a major operation i never got to use it, it cost me £289 it is that new it has never had petrol in it, i am looking to sell it for £225 or swap it for a 12 g o/u mullti choke shotgun or semi of the same value please se below for more info


This multi-task 5-in-1 garden tool is comprised of a 2-stroke air cooled 52cc power unit and interchangeable pole hedge trimmer, pruner (Chainsaw), Brush cutter and whipper snipper attachments. They come with an extra shaft to add the tool length to 3 meter. They offer great flexibility for tasks of hedge trimming, edging, pruning and cleaning. The split-shaft design lets you quickly change from one attachment to another. This system not only saves on storage and transportation space, it allows for significant cost savings as well.


The unit is combined with a vibration absorbing system to provide comfortable operation. Other features include Zip-Start technology for easier to pull, quicker to start, a handle located throttle lock-out safety, and heavy duty air filter to ensure long engine life and extend maintenance intervals. CE approved.

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hi all , i have tried up loading pics for you to have a look at , unfortunatly i am not clever enough to do it . if you click on the link that al4x has put on , it is virtually identical to this one , the make of my machine is an aosika , at the time of purchase the cost was £289 , noboubt if you search you will find simmilar item cheaper , if you do want pics i will send them via your e-mail please pm your e-mail address , regards private pike .

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