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Breed of Pheasants

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Evening all.


Buying a few more pheasants this year. Usually have common ring necks but the do not fly amazingly well..


I am on a low land shoot with some drives near boundary.


Just wondered what you lads thought were best flying and staying bird.


Thanks very much



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We only have Blacknecks. They are pretty good at staying at home. Not the worlds best flyers but I dont need that as I am in a glaciated valley. Even on a flat shoot a decent wind in December and they will test most shots. I shot a cock this winter, flushed 120 yards away but only about 10 yards higher than me if that, is came over 50 yards up on a stillish day. And its usually the hens that fly best.


Blueback crosses and ring necks are better flyers but they are always walking off the shoot. I did some black ones a few years ago, 50 in one pen. 14 days after release I had two black ones trying to get into another pen 900 yards away. Over 2 years we shot 16% in total, they were pretty poor flyers by and large.



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Tried all sorts out breeds on my old shoot- bazanty, melanistics, first cross Americans, French commons, manchurians and blacknecks. This was on a low land shoot- manchurians were the best flyers but blacknecks, bazantys and French commons were the best all rounder.


Going for all blacknecks on my new shoot this year instead of French commons and bazantys so we shall see how they fair. They will be well over 22 weeks by the time we shoot them so am hoping the early partridge days will stir them up abit. They make a good bird but need some stirring to strengthen them up.



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