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foxing again


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Got a call from my mate to go lamping again tonight.

I finished work and grabbed the rifles and headed out the door at half 9.


Got to my permission and the fog had come down really bad and didn't think we would be getting much shooting done tonight. Luckily as we drove down the track the fog cleared but still no sign of any rabbits or charlie. After 10 mins or so i spotted a set of eyes at around 100 yards. The fox wasn't interested and decided to make tracks in the other direction. I started calling which slowed the Fox up abit but it still wasn't having any of it. It stopped for another look and the shot was taken. A paced 165 yards was fox number 1.


We carried on along the track and shot a few more rabbits when my mate went to fetch a rabbit i had shot a fox appeared about 200 yards up the same hedge line. I started calling and this fox came running. as it got to 75 yards it stopped briefly which is when i decided that it was close enough.


I don't shoot many foxes from this particular permission anymore and usually 1 is a good night. so shooting 2 was a really good night. Didn't see as many rabbits as i would have liked tho :good:




The date isn't wrong on my camera it's just in MM/DD/YYYY format

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Wicked mate,


We are hopefully off tonight for a quick session, but its apparently going to slash it down and i dont want to plough up the field with the pickup, but pheasant protection comes first.


We are starting at 10 tonight instead of 8/8.30 to see if they are out and about more, still know of 5 that are about.






P.s What cal were u using? .223?

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Not for the rabbits i hope, lol lol :lol::lol:


Ho ho ho


I have introduced the .243 to 1 or 2 rabbits :lol:





P.s What cal were u using? .223?



He would,nt taint his hands with such a lightweight :lol:




Glad your seeing some action mate :lol:





We are starting at 10 tonight instead of 8/8.30 to see if they are out and about more, still know of 5 that are about.



good luck with tonights lamping session :lol:

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