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Johnnie Kingdom

Dead-Eyed Duck

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I have just finished watching Johnnie Kingdom, the Chief Scout of Exmoor, and could not believe my eyes or ears!


Jack Hargreaves must be turning in his grave.


This so called countryman couldn't even shoot a rabbit at 30 yards with a 0.223 as the rabbit would have heard him coming three fields away. What a load of verbal diarrhoea this son-of-the-country was coming out with.


Now if the programme was going out at kiddies hour I could understand it, but what an absolute plank he showed himself up to be.


Chasing wild boar and shouting at the top of his voice, woffling about the beast of Exmoor, and wasting valuable viewing time. Trying to discover what species was chewing the plastic top of his nut box when it was obvious to a blind begger that it was a ferocious squiz - the excitement never ended.


Did anyone see such a cack-handed attempt to make a floating hide - hammering screws into a hotch potch of abandoned rough timber (and painted a violent green), was too much.


I was torn between absolute disgust at his ignorance, but couldn't tear myself from the screen as what was coming next was bound to be even more appalling than was seen before.


And this guy was driving a 4 x 4 advertising his wildlife tours of Exmoor :lol::lol::lol:


I must book myself on one, as he must be paying his customers to go with him.


Planking, pillocking, drivelling, woffling, ............






Now I feels better. Oooh Arrrrh :lol::lol::lol::lol:

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Watch out for the continuity glitches. He starts out with one kind of camo and it changes as they film. He says that badgers have never been filmed in the snow, baits them up, films a badger emerging a few feet from the entrance to the sett, and says he's filmed them in the snow. Amateurish to say the least?

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