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Shotgun from USA

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post-1657-1163626232.jpgpost-1657-1163625995.jpegpost-1657-1163625995.jpegI want to buy a Franchi reinessance elite, 12ga 28 inch M\C, that it's for sale only in USA. In England you can buy the Harrier but there is no comparison.

Could anyone help or suggest or a could link where I can get advice?

I know that Americans buy from UK but does it work either ways?




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i looked into this last year, no one seemed to have a definate answer as to how to do it.

tried local plod and customs + excise.


no one said you cant do it, but all quite vague about it. didnt do it in the end because it worked out i would only save at the most £200, it costs quite a bit to have a gun sent over here.

spoke to a guy at a gun shop in texas who was fine about sending one over, will see if i can find them again for you but it was on our old pc (now dead) so i might not be able to sorry.

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Thanks a lot lads,

All the help its apreciated.


Dazza it looks the part that franchi and there is no match with the one that its on sale over here, I must admit that by the look of it in the USA you get more value for money on lots of stuff.

I've emailed franchiusa.com with a plea to sell me one, I've work it all out easy done, when they send some to the USA and take for granted that the flying over the west midlands it take a sec to drop one down wih a tiny parachute. :blink:


Thanks again


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The Yanks try the (you need an IMPORT licence before we can ship) lark


I checked with the DTI and if it is for PERSONAL use when purchased you DON'T need an import licence but try getting that through to the American sellers it's like trying to fire chicken eggs through a brick wall :blink:


I had a lad from the states was gonna ship me some .22 lead balls for my Air rifle but he was stopped by some over cautious customs guys and was literally THREATENED with jail if he treid to send them ;)


There is NO law stopping the sale OR shipping of such goods it's just twitchy assed under informed people.



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