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Only from school days when I shot a .22 at paper which the FEO said counted for nothing. I'd be surprised if they ask for a mentor if you're just asking for .22. I asked for .22 and .17hmr and was told to shoot the .22 for six months then apply for a free variation to add the .17.

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Seems like another "lets make it up as we go along" sort of thing that some areas or maybe individual FEO's are coming out with.


I am also refering to the comment re free variation in 6 months

Agreed. There was no query over how much/little I'd used my .22 before granting the hmr, just that 6 months had gone by. It was the FEO who had decided before my visit that I wasn't getting an hmr. His reason- if I use .22 holdover on an hmr, I may shoot a bullet into the woods/away from backstop etc. I asked why I would do that with a much flatter round, but he wasn't having any of it!


Blimey not come across that before

Neither had the next FEO that took over. I had to produce my letter to him before he'd believe a word of it!

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That just stinks of an FEO that hasn't got a clue about rifle calibers, if I use .22 holdover on my .223 I may bring down the International Space Station.............


I hope the free varaition spreads around the country!

Edited by Livefast123
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