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Paddy Galore!

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Haven't made one but it was nearly my chosen trade(went welding in the end)and used to really love working on metal in the workshops i am sure i spent more time at the forge than the blacksmith.

Here's a link to build a forge,as for the coal to use just type in "blacksmiths coal" to google and you will find the right coal.



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Haven't made one but it was nearly my chosen trade(went welding in the end)and used to really love working on metal in the workshops i am sure i spent more time at the forge than the blacksmith.

Here's a link to build a forge,as for the coal to use just type in "blacksmiths coal" to google and you will find the right coal.



and i've just weighed in a few kitchen sinks aswell! :lol:

that looks like it'd work well in an old BBQ,

i saw a guy using one today at a show, googled the forge he was using and they work out to a pretty penny, it had a hand cranked fan to it but i might be able to rig up an old turbo unit instead. thanks for the link welsh1, :good: i've now got a new project, does anyone have a spare anvil? :lol:

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A proper anvil will set you back a fair bit of money. Some of the cheaper ones can't take the hammer (no pun intended).

yeah, a few hundred by the look, i'll have a chat with my father, see if any of his tractor club mates have one going cheap, failing that i'll just bite the bullet and get one and just keep telling myself " i saved a grand on the furnace" :lol:


you dont need something as powerful as a Turbo , i made my forge using an old Steel car wheel and a heator fan from a Maestro

i was just going to rig up a handle and hand crank it, don't want any wires round it if i can help it.

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thanks, there's some amazing work on their gallery page, including a very nice bronze damascus knife, i have a few lumps of bronze in the shed still :lol:

i spent a few years fire forging and selling at craft fairs. i packed up in the end, i couldnt compete with the prices of imported stuff

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