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gun security


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Could someone help me out. I am hoping to stay away for a clay shoot but Iam not sure how I can secure my gun for the overnight stay in the B&B, I do have a tool safe in my van but would not leave it in the there over night. how can I keep my gun safe and secure if there is no gun safe in the B&B and stay within the law.



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leave the forend in the van safe then the rest take into your room and either hide or use a trigger lock etc to chain to the radiator or something hard to remove. You just need to take reasonable precautions, splitting the gun so effectively it can't be used is one of the best measures

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If you do this regularly, maybe a gun safe in the van and/or something like the secure gunslip that Napier do, maybe make your own, after all, it is just a takedown gunslip with a hole in the side and a dirty great steel u-ring and washer through the trigger to a security cable/lock. Or, as has been said, spread the parts around and carry one essential with you, to make the gun unusable. They only expect 'reasonable' precautions, but you dont want to be the test case..

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We have many guns visiting during the season who stay in local hotels etc. Our advice to them is to keep the fore end separately and as Alex said chain the gun to a radiator or something else substantial in their room.


Do not be tempted to secure it in your vehicle in case the vehicle is stolen.

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