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Police coming round need advice????


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Hi ive hust applied for my liscenece and the police are coming round to check my cabinet. My dad has had a liscence for years with a gun rope for security. I bought a gun cabinet and had it securly fitted to the fabrick of the house out of casual view. My dad has recently bought a shotgun on his liscence. Since my dad had his last liscence granted gun ropes have been disallowed for new liscences. his liscence is about to run out and so is renewing it. Can he store it in our joint cabinet at present on his liscence although no police has inspected it?


And how hidden do keys need to be? anny suggestions of sort of place to keep it without giving too much away??


please help


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I had the very same issue when my daugher got her own SGC. What my FO told me was that "only authorised people may have access to the guns" where authrosied people are those with the guns listed on their own license. What this basically means is that for my daughter to have keys to the cabinet all the guns stored in the safe must be on her ticket as well as my own. What the FO advised us to do was to have the guns only on my ticket and none on my daughters. How does this work, well you are allowed to "lend a gun" for upto 72 hours to a certificate holder without recording this on their SCG. So basically I simple lend her the key to the cabinet so she can "borrow" the gun, use it, and return it to the safe after use.


As for hiding the keys, again, the key message is that "unauthrosied persons may not access the guns in the safe". To satisify this I simply keep them on me at all times or in my "draw full of ****" when I am at home. Whenever I leave the house, the key comes with me so no-one can gain access to the guns without my knowledge.


I hope this infiormation helps.

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Bradders - are you saying your daughter has a SGC without any guns or a cabinet?



Dave, yes that is what I am saying, she is 16 and lives at the same address as me, so "her" gun is secured in my cabinet, basically we share the security arrangements and all our guns, hers and mine are in the same safe. As long as she does not have "permenant access to the safe" i.e. her own key then the guns do not need to go on her certificate. This setup makes it so much easier (and legal) if she goes shooting without me and is in posession of a gun. Sometimes my dad takes her (he is also a cert holder so that in itself would be ok anyway) but sometimes my wife (who is not a cert holder) takes her, and if my daughter didnt have a cert they would be breaking the law.


There are probably easier ways to do it but this method works for us.

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