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good value hunting rifle! could use your experience for choice

fabarm gamma boy

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I went for the s410 carbine. Very light easy to handle rifle. I found the HW100 felt massive, heavy & buky in comparison. Even my rapid 12 is like a tank compared to the s410 carbine. I use mine wandering the fields and have shot more rabbits than I can count with it. Also because its quite a short gun, its ideal to use from inside vehicles.


You can pick them up now for £400->£450 mark, and they hold their value incredibly well. I bought mine in about 2009 and even now they are selling for the same price I paid back then.


I use a pump to pump up mine, so costs nothing to refill, only takes a few minutes to top up between outings and I get more shots than i`ll ever use on 2 or 3 hunting trips from the cylinder on it.


Had rabbits, squirrels, magpies, jackdaws and pigeons all with no problem. Another plus for me, is that the gun is easily rebuild-able, so when it comes to servicing, it only cost you a few rubber seals and 30 minutes of your time.

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Just out of interest dose anyone use RF shorts for hunting I do not think that they are much more powerful that a good air rifle and with a silencer there are very quiet.


for what i will be doing the rimfire will be an accident waiting to happen! plus i would never fire anything other than a 12ftlb airgun into the air unless i was firing up a mountain :lol: its gunna be either the s200 or the hw80 and have it tuned iv had 3 80s over the years but they were bought cheap and one put 26ftlb out on a chrono dieseling and an oxspring is what i found on inspection! i got a standard hw spring for it but the gun was as ruff as ar** holes! cylinder was scored to hell, so it went! and thats where i left airgunning for a decade now im bk abd if im honest im having fun :lol:

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Just out of interest dose anyone use RF shorts for hunting I do not think that they are much more powerful that a good air rifle and with a silencer there are very quiet.

they are mate, standard rimfire subs are around 100ftlb! 40gr tip and around 1100ftps




sorry bud i read thst wrong my appologies!

no never seen any one using rf shorts! can you still buy them??

Edited by fabarm gamma boy
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