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Nose in the Trough again


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Seriously, two grown men complaining that they are being bullied on the internet?


The word pathetic has found new meaning.

Lol no. Just quite a lot of people on the forum have identified YOU as an unsavoury character.


I personally feel sorry for you. it's generally those who have had a cruel upbringing that respond like you do.

it's ok you can say it on here and would probably get a bit more respect off people if you manned up and stopped acting like someone who got bullied at school

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For gods sake grow up all of you -

I, for one from the north-west agree that those who seek power should be denied it - perhaps that will satisfy some but since this thread has veered so far from the op's post, I wonder at the point?

If, Burnleydave, you are so interested in arguments (real or imagined) please do it via PM as there are some who actually want to discuss stuff and your occupation of this thread is tedious. Just MHO.

If its thread numbers which interest you most then I suggest you ask the mods to increase yours to 10,000 and then it will give you some 'weight', (apparently).

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For gods sake grow up all of you -

I, for one from the north-west agree that those who seek power should be denied it - perhaps that will satisfy some but since this thread has veered so far from the op's post, I wonder at the point?

If, Burnleydave, you are so interested in arguments (real or imagined) please do it via PM as there are some who actually want to discuss stuff and your occupation of this thread is tedious. Just MHO.

If its thread numbers which interest you most then I suggest you ask the mods to increase yours to 10,000 and then it will give you some 'weight', (apparently).

Kes somehow you mistake me for mungler my friend. You know the guy who likes to argue and keyboard warrior, or are you his friend?

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Having wasted the last 20 minutes of my life reading drivel, this little gem made it all worth while.


See you all at playtime



Obviously we won't be swapping Christmas cards anytime soon and earning your and KW's "respect" is pretty low down on my to do list.

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Well I think like most people now kw recognises mungler for what he is.

na KW has a chip on his shoulder, probably something to do with a coal mine or maggie or summin, I'm not saying he's not a top bloke in fact I'm quite sure he is.


I've met mung twice, like his humour and think he's a top bloke, puts his money where his mouth is to support charitable events, and I'd imagine his humour is liked by most on here.


You either have a big chip on your shoulder or your an internet troll, either way you'll not get much slack and you'll just provide some fun to the well rehearsed on here.

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Come on, I can't be the only one laughing at his posts.


It's a slow Monday morning, I'm waiting for the post to be opened and my first cup of coffee. This is entertainment, and this is what the internet was invented for all those years ago.


Now, back to Dave.

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Come on, I can't be the only one laughing at his posts.


It's a slow Monday morning, I'm waiting for the post to be opened and my first cup of coffee. This is entertainment, and this is what the internet was invented for all those years ago.


Now, back to Dave.

Yep it's a sow Monday morning and as usual you have nothing to do but be a keyboard warrior
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No Mungler you aren't the only one but in my case its more in despair than anything else.

Dave, give it a rest it is only the internet and you are giving it a bad name.

I am no 'friend' of Mungler nor enemy either, some of his posts are rather funny - yours aren't - just tedious - I suggest you move out of Barnsley and move back to Cheshire, it may improve your humour, although it has a job on.

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can you hear my dads bigger than your dad :lol: classic stuff

I think he is worried I might have a bigger keyboard :lol:


Dave, come on, this thread has been quite a good distraction and not to mention a good distraction from you smashing up your own stuff :lol:


You are exceptional value. You are very speshal indeed.

Well with how much you spend on keyboards mate, you need to make sure you get your value out of them.

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