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after cleaning

snipers eye

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hi all,after my groupings started to open up with me cz 455 hmr,(and as im new to shooting)i adjusted the scope thinking it was that,i have since learned that it needed a good cleaning,(done that)so im wondering before i take it out again,if i adjust the scope to the same settings i had prior to cleaning,should i get the same groupings i was getting,which were pretty good at 100yrds? reason for question is the gun was first zeroed on a range at 100yrds,and its a long drive back there,i know the exact windage and elevation marks it was before,or do i have to re zero after cleaning?hope im making sense,thanks all,

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Wouldnt harm to check your zero......The Hmr lads will be able to confirm this but as far as I know you can zero at 35yds and your second zero will be 100yds so all you need to do is put out a target at 35yds



Edited by peek-at
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Wouldnt harm to check your zero......The Hmr lads will be able to confirm this but as far as I know you can zero at 35yds and your second zero will be 100yds so all you need to do is put out a target at 35yds




NO NO NO....zero at 100 yards (or whatever suits) with whatever ammo you use.


Once you have done this then you can by all means reduce the range to find where your first zero is, it is critical to do it like this, ie in reverse, a yard or two of error on first zero will potentially make a LOT of difference at 100 yards!


After you have established first zero distance then you can use that as a GUIDE to full 100 yard zero.


100 yard Zero should always be checked from time to time and ALWAYS if you change ammo type/weight/make/or even batch!


DO NOT simply adjust to existing known First Zero point with new/different ammo as it will probably be way off at 100 yards.



Edited by Dekers
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hi all,after my groupings started to open up with me cz 455 hmr,(and as im new to shooting)i adjusted the scope thinking it was that,i have since learned that it needed a good cleaning,(done that)so im wondering before i take it out again,if i adjust the scope to the same settings i had prior to cleaning,should i get the same groupings i was getting,which were pretty good at 100yrds? reason for question is the gun was first zeroed on a range at 100yrds,and its a long drive back there,i know the exact windage and elevation marks it was before,or do i have to re zero after cleaning?hope im making sense,thanks all,


If the barrel/crown is in good condition and true, and you have cleaned the rifle FULLY and PROPERLY, then the original zero should remain.


Just the same there are lots of reasons a zero can move and you should check it.


I'm not following why you need to drive back to a range, if you have a 100 yard zero you must shoot at 100 yards, otherwise there is no point, so just get out in the field and check it at 100 yards! :good:

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this is an up date on how i got on after my major clean,and i have to say dekers is 100% right when he said that a proper clean will put it back on target without having to put any fouling rounds through,least thats in my case,went out for an hour to a dis used sand pit seen this rabbit about 100yrds give or take,was on 10 mag,put cross hair on the bottom of ear,bang,spot on shot,was amazed,(remember im new to hmr) decided to do a grouping,5 shots at 100yrds bulls eye,the euro coin is 7/8" from edge to edge,so now a proper clean every 150 or so rounds,used kg 12 copper remover,now i cant wait for a nice warm evening,thanks all who replied to my op.and special thanks to dekers :good: ,




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thanks all for replies,dekers,you must have a pain in your head trying to educate us mugs :lol:,i believe you are an experienced gunman,and i pay attention to your posts,there is always much to learn,so i will take your advice,thanks :yes:


Dekers truly does have a pain, I would describe it as in his posterior though :lol:


Well done my friend, you have your very own appreciation society, something in my near 70 years I've never achieved :friends:

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