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The stables I have been asked to shoot over is aprox 9 acres, putting most on the bunnies well outside the range of the air riffle. I am now thinking of applying for an FAC to enable me to get .22lr.

Do you think this is enough land to shoot over, don't want to apply and then have them turn it down on the size of the piece of land.

How does the size of the permission have any bearing on whether you can use an air rifle? Just brush up on stalking skills and it can be great fun and really exciting stalking bunnies.

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Just never managed to get close enough to them, the thinking behind the .22lr was to give me increased range over the normal air rifle ive got at the moment.

I'll keep at it.


Ambush is the best way mate just find out from a little reccy where they are coming out from and where they regularly feed. Park yourself about 25yds away ready to blat them when they come out. I have started out recently as well and my stalking skills suck still I have got some good bags by just sitting still in the right area and waiting for them to come to me.

Keep at it you will get some I guarantee it.

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Don't take this the wrong way mate but it don't sound like you now what you are doing Like you have said you are new to this. You don't really want to be practising on live animals so I would try and find some one of here local to come with you and show you the ropes.

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Spent ages practicing at home, so my aim is good. Only problem is the actual stalking, i'm out again on friday trying a different route to the field to see if that helps.


My original question about the .22lr was more of a rough idea if there was a size limit to the amount of land you could have before they approved an FAC. It my horses that are at the stables so I want the rabbits gone asap to save any problems.

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Size of land has no bearing on FAC grant, its all about back stops and safe shooting, i wouldnt bother with a .22lr as paddocks are usually flat with not many safe back stops, they also ricochet alot which isnt very good with horses about, just brush up on your stalking skills or wait for a day when the wind is in your favour and build a little hide 35 yards from the warren and wait, just keep at em till winter then ferret them.

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