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Looking for a Golden Retriever


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Good luck, it took me a while to find one, they seem to be sold before they are even born and seem to sell by word of mouth. I've hardly seen any working goldies.


If you do a google search, you will find lots of working golden retriever sites, it is worth giving them a call to see if they have any or if they know of any.


Another option is champ dogs as you can search for a working dog.


Also try the eastern counties golden retriever club, there is a puppy number on their and they can put you in touch with breeders.


There is an advert in this weeks shooting times, some guy in Norwich, PM me if you want the number

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If ur after working dogs the only really decent ones i've seen are kirsty cousins, she does pretty well in the trailling and has qualified for the IGL champs before which is no mean feet. Have picked up along side her and her dogs are really good.


Gettin a proper working 1 may be a problem but good luck to u


Only problem is she is the oppisate end of the country from u.

Based above glasgow


Stuart above makes a good point if u speak to folk in the local working retriver clubs or FT associations they be able to give u some local pointers

Edited by scotslad
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