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Gun Off its Face?


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My old Miroku is showing what I think is powder marks in a semi-circular pattern around the back of the breach , where the firing pins. The marks correspond to where the ends of teh barrels meet the breech when the gun is closed.


2 questions:-


(1) Does this mean that the gun is "off it's face" i.e. there is a gap opening as the barrels are not fully closing on the back of the breech when closed? I suppose that his means that some gases are escaping when the gun is fired.


(2) Can this be fixed?


Any help/suggestions would be appreciated.





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Place something soft on your table top, a thin towel would be ideal, take the fore end off and place the barrels side ways down on the towel hanging the action over the edge of the table, put some weight on the barrels with one hand whilst using the other to grip the butt to gently lift and push to show any play at the face, repeat on the top side of barrel being mindful of the rib beads to check for play with the locking mechanism

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If sooty rings around firing pin holes ,sounds more likely that the firing pins are piercing the cartridge primers...have a look at the end of the pins with a magnifying glass and see if they are cratered...

if really bad you will not need the glass...

Edited by TDS
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