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Can I buy a left handed stock for S Pigeon 20 bore?


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My son is about to start shooting, a very generous friend of mine has offered him a long term loan of a Silver Pigeon 20 bore. The gun is for a right hander, which my son is, however it looks like his master eye is his left eye. I plan to take him for a lesson or two to get started and suspect that the coach will recommend he shoots off his left shoulder. If this is the case can anyone tell me if I can buy a left handed stock for his gun and swap this for the current stock, so my son can take advantage of my friends kind offer? Or will i need to get a leftie gun? As these guns are machine made I am hoping the stock would be interchangeable. Thanks in advance for your feedback.

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He's 12. I started with right eye dominance but got to about 20 and my left eye took over. Stil wonder if I should switch shoulders today. So I don't want him to have the same issue.


When he is older and gets his own gun I would like to be able to return the 20b to my friend with the original stock, that's why I want to know if they are interchangeable and if they can be bought separately.

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I know Cole's gunsmithing in the US has take off and upgraded stocks for all berettas. Worth checking their site or even emailing about what they have. A takeoff is probably your best bet from them. You'll have to pay shipping and VAT, but I'd wager it is cheaper than buying a new one through edgars or similar.


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Give me a pm I can put you in contact with someone who will help they bolt on bolt of in the main. A new stock is £475 + vat from GMK bought one last week for an insurance claim.


A right handed stock can't be made left handed it can be recast from cast on to cast off at the bump but the toe will still stick out the wrong way. It's also expensive and done at the owners risk.


Personal I feel the OP is doing the right thing, not adjusting his friend expensive gun.

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