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Another Beginner, Another Stag 12 points.

Elk hunter

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Had a really nice guy come to me today for my Beginners Day by the name of Martin. Although he is not a member on here, he was recommended by a guy from PW. He had done the DSC1 and shot two roe, but a self confessed novice wanting a little help. After a short talk on bullet placement and animal reaction after being shot we hit the targets. Martin had only ever shot out to 100 yards and his grouping was excellent till we hit 150/200 yards. Barn door come to mind. But after a few tips and a little encouragement he was soon on a two inch group at 200 with his own rifle, I've was happy he was ecstatic!

After tea and sandwich we went up the hills to cull a stag. When he saw the size of them he cept asking if his 308 was big enough. He decided a wall hanger was in order as it was near Christmas. After the morning on the range it showed with an on the money shot, PURFECT 167 yards taking the top of the heart off.

I know is not hill stalking in Scotland but we all have to star somewhere.

Many thanks to the forum.





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