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Stroke of Luck

Terry P

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I have just got back from chasing pinks north of the border, whilst out getting a few bits at the local shop I bumped into a keeper I used to do a bit of rough shooting with. After exchanging pleasantries he informed me he was just about to go and shoot some roe deer, he asked if I fancied joining him. I drove back to my lodging faster than I probably should have and got changed.

I met him at the agreed area and we drove around for a bit , the drizzle decided to up the anti and started to lash it down. Stopping an looking through bino's we spotted a deer feeding in some stubble. We parked and set off on a soggy but exciting stalk, as we got closer to where we had seen the deer we had to crawl to a small rise in the field, the keeper peered over and said the deer had gone. I cannot believe how excited I had got just trying to get into position for a shot.

After a few more minutes driving we spied about 7 deer feeding in a huge stubble field, we set off again getting soaked as I went, the keeper led me on a merry route around the edge to get in range. He stopped me and called me forward. Looking through the gorse I could easily see 3 big deer with in about 100 yrds but the keeper pointed out that they were all bucks that had lost their antlers, my heart was going into hyperdrive and I really needed to give myself a talking to just to calm my nerves.

A quick commando crawl had us in a new position and to my utter amazement there was another 8 deer happily feeding and all with in 80 yrds of us, after watching them for a while the keeper pointed out a deer he wanted me to shoot, he set the rifle on its bi pod and I got down to take the shot, I could feel my heart beating into the ground, the keeper told me to slow down my breathing and when ready just squeeze the trigger, I found the mark just behind the shoulder and did as he said, the deer dropped on its front legs to the shot, got back up to a couple of wobbly steps and fell down. I quickly reloaded a I had been advised to do.

When we reached the deer it was already gone, I cannot describe how elated I felt.

The keeper ran me through the gutting etc and kindly gave me the deer to take home.

I think i'm hooked and cannot wait to try again.

The only downside is due to the rain which I had forgotten all about was so heavy I could not get a photo of my first but hopefully not my last deer. Shooting rabbits is just going to seem soooo boring now lol


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  • 2 weeks later...

you will never forget that moment and just so you know it doesn't always happen like that but exellent news on your first and i am sure it won't be the last one, sounds like a good friend to teach you as i will bet you will be itching to get back out, hopefully next time you might get a chance of eating one you shot its lovely, atb wayne

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