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What "O" Rings for an air rifle?

Lord Geordie

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Right chaps!


I am peeved, beyond peeved can be measured!


Having TWICE now paid good money for a seal kit for my Career 707 Carbine, I am STILL no further forward.


I bought a kit from either here on PW or from the BBS for £25 a few year back. I wanted the kit for the probe seals and the main air chamber seals mainly.


The first kit was a joke. The probe seals were far too big and just jamned the probe. And the air chamber seals were far to thin and wouldn't seal.




So last week I shell out for a propper kit from Chambers! Or so I thought!


I stripoed the gun down tonight to put the new seals in. Guess what?


Yup! Exactly the same wrong sized seal kit. Probe seals too big and air chamber seals too thin.


I have now had to contact Chambers and am just ****** off now :angry:


I have measured the old seals and found I need 23mm 0/D x 17mm I/D thats 3mm thick!


I got 2.5mm thick in the kit :no:


Probe seals are 5.5mm O/D and should be 5mm.


So I have now found a site selling the correct sizes I need. But are Nitrile seals ok for airguns?



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Suspect that you have got the right size seals in the kits you bought. The original seals have been compressed between the two metal parts they have been sealing and will, after time, set in the compressed position. .5 of a mm is only 12thou and as clakk says they should be lubricated with a suitable grease before fitting. They will require a considerable force to fit, too easy and they won't seal.


If you buy new seals that measure the exact size of the old ones I suspect you will find leaks either immediately or within a very short time!


Try again with lubrication (ooh matron), if you haven't got the correct grease don't be tempted to use motor grade it could react with the material of the seals, good alternative is washing up liquid, just ask the wife where she keeps it.


Mr Potter

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Mr Potter!


With all due respect! I do ALL the housework as I live on my own with my Son. I know exactly where I keep my washing up liquid :P


Secondly! The seals will not have compressed or expanded into a larger size :no: they are a uniform thickness. You feel the fitting go tight as the seals engage the walls of the air chamber. There is NO compression to speak of. They are not crushed agains't a flange to cause an expansion seal. They simply come into contact with the internal wall of the chamber to seal it. Lube would not add a permanent .5mm to the rings. Believe me I tried the silicone grease when fitting the first set and it made no difference!


The new seals don't even engage the walls of the chamber, they simply glide in. I need a tighter fitting! Hence the extra .5mm like the original seals.


Also liie I say the PROBE seals are so big that the seals get damaged "cut" when the probe seals the breach. They are too big! The air chamber seals are too small.


They are definately not the correct seals :no:

Edited by Lord Geordie
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There is a quick fix for this, although it shouldn't be required on Pukka seals?


A thin strip of gas tape under seal will push it out that bit more, it will work and have used this many times in the past as a last resort. John

Thanks John!


But if a job is worth doing! Do it right. I don't want to cut corners or create a quick fix :no: I recently had the whole gun blued, and will not settle for second best in workmanship.


A good tip though :yes:

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