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Stick’s Rule…….

The Essex Hunter

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I help a friend keep on top of the foxes on their shoot, however you can’t get them all and this vixen (was) very tricky, with only one way in to the land via a track she would all ways be sitting nearly up the top of this field.

I have made him a set of quad sticks, however they need a lot of practice and shooting off his platform on the truck has made him resistant to change.

Last night same routine so with a gentle discussion :whistling: I took his sticks and young Jack. He hazed the lamp on the fox while we legged it up the steep track, the vixen was quite content to sit and watch from her spot.

Jack and I worked our way across the field until I was happy with the shot, 30 seconds to get my breath back and set the shot up, Jack flicked on my had lamp and whack from the 75 grain round…

After dragging this very heavy fox back to the truck, my mate was very happy and promised to practice with his..

The second vixen was chasing around with a dog fox but with Bradwell power station lighting us up, Jack and I were in for an 800 yard walk as this pair kept trickling away as we moved down the field towards them.

Eventually the field came to a stop so they were watching us from the headland getting ready to jump the ditch and off…

As the vixen was side on the .243 knocked her off her feet while her mate ran like the wind…

After the long walk back I said “can we go home know”






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Well done on the foxes TEH, i can see where your mate is coming from as i have a similar problem, i am used to shooting from the roof or bonnet of a truck with a sand bag of corn under the butt.

I can honestly say i have never shot of sticks before, mind you we are always either sitting up or lamping from a vehicle.

My other concern is i have an AIC stock on my rifle as well so that might make it a bit harder, but i did try my mates rifle on his sticks the other night and was very surprised how steady it was, so tell your mate do as i'm going to do have a go at a few rabbits, hit them, sky high confidence toby no probs, be positive. all the best Smokey

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Well done on the foxes TEH, i can see where your mate is coming from as i have a similar problem, i am used to shooting from the roof or bonnet of a truck with a sand bag of corn under the butt.

I can honestly say i have never shot of sticks before, mind you we are always either sitting up or lamping from a vehicle.

My other concern is i have an AIC stock on my rifle as well so that might make it a bit harder, but i did try my mates rifle on his sticks the other night and was very surprised how steady it was, so tell your mate do as i'm going to do have a go at a few rabbits, hit them, sky high confidence toby no probs, be positive. all the best Smokey

Thank you on foot is harder work granted, however far less noise and more mobile in a short distance. Not my thing sitting up with a flask of coffee and a smoke to be honest.

I have shot 85 foxes since Jan 10th, 5 off his platform and the rest from sticks...I think there are a few reason's but mainly people don't like the walking and feel the car/truck is more stable platform to shoot from.

Re your stock a friend made his sticks and added a strap on the back pair giving him more grip on his thumb hole stock...but it is down to practice in the end



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