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Duck Dynasty Fortune


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It`s worth remembering that duck calling in America is something deeply ingrained in their psyche and call making is regarded as folk art. Many Americans collect calls even if they don`t hunt. In this country call making is only in it`s infancy although the likes of MPK Custom Calls are working hard to catch up on the Robertsons!


There are something like 5 million duck hunters in the U.S. and many of them own a large number of calls, most of which are significantly cheaper than the same call sold in the U.K. because of import duites, etc, etc.


Many dedicated British fowlers might own a couple of calls.An American acquantance of mine owns over thirty. He buys a couple every time he goes into the gun shop because they are cheap and there are so many to choose from.


In the U.K. one might buy a call and struggle to learn how to blow it correctly because a good caller/tutor is not always available over here. In the states they have things like "car park calling contests". A bunch of blokes meet up in the supermarket car park on a Saturday morning whilst their wives are shopping and exchange tips and instruction about the latest calls on the market.


I often go and stand in the corner of Tescos car park at Northarbour blowing my MPK call, hoping to get a few other fowlers to join me. So far none have.


I`ve been asked to leave the premises three times by security.


It`s a different world over there!


Not been bombarded by Ducks then ???????

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