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walther lgv

Guest snowy1977

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Guest snowy1977

Hello everyone,I've had shotguns for years and years but recently I've been fancying a good air rifle in .177 after having a go on a mates bsa lightning the other day,id forgotten how much fun it was after all these years,anyway I've been scouring the net etc and I like the look of the Walther lgv series of rifle has anyone on here got one?are they as good as they say in the reviews?

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Have a look on YOU TUBE. Nigel Allen`s channel Airguntv. :good:

He did a 10 min review on it. He liked it with good & bad points. :yes:

He didn`t like the stock he said it hurt his cheekbone. Stock was to thin. :sad1:

It was very Accurate and Quiet with out a Silencer and it is threaded for one.

It looks very nice and well built. But £360 for a Springer. :w00t:

I would be thinking more like a PCP Rifle or a HW 97 KT. For that sort of money. :whistling:

But it`s what ever turns you on. Each to there own. :lol:


Happy :shoot::shoot:

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Guest snowy1977

Hi fellas, I was thinking the same thing about Walther being a quality company and your dead right in I doubting they'd turn something rubbish out,ill check YouTube out when I finish work and see how that sways me.i gotta say id much rather have a Springer than a PCP,don't know why probably a bit of nostalgia from my younger days kicking in I suppose!though your right about them being pricey for what they are.i originally was thinking about a Diana .280 but read a fair few bad reviews on them though they're a nice looking gun it still put me off.shame really because the best spring gun I ever owned was the Diana 34.wish I hadn't sold it doh!!!!

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I'm not personally sold on the 'not wanting to turn some rubbish out'. I get no company would intentionally use it as a strategy but with there can be the odd diversion from a good path.


Ever since seeing the Walther G22 in action I've been a little suspicious of the quality...May just have been a bad version of that rifle but the overall look and feel also didn't endear me to the brand (totally wonder why they went down that route) and would make me think twice about spending serious cash on one of their other rifles.


Maybe a little blinkered but just my two pennies

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When your on You Tube have a look at Si Pitaways vids. Or Sandwell field sports.

He has an HW 97 KT Springer with a Stage one tune from Sandwell field sports £65.

It shoots so smooth with very low recoil and very easy to cock makes it very Accurate.

It `s that smooth he shoots milk bottle tops with it at 60 yds. Now thats good for a Springer.

Have a good look round and shoulder a few Rifles. I have 3 x Springers and 7 x PCPs.

And most i bought because they just felt or sat right has soon has i shouldered them.


Good luck.

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I think the Walthers did not quite match the hype around them when they were first introduced .

They will be a decent gun sure enough but not sure if they would be worth the extra over the Hw97 , I also shoot a 97kt tuned by SFS and its a fabulous gun if a little heavy.




Very accurate at 30 yards



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Guest snowy1977

I've opened a little can o worms here fellas,those hw97 rifles sound like the mutts nuts.thats a good 30yrd gruoping there fenboy.cuppa tea and a trip to the gunshops to hold a few rifles is imminent.whatever I decide on ill do a little review on it for sure.

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As I said I am sure the walther would be fine if thats what you set your heart on , but spring gun wise there are several Hws that are very good the 80,95,98,97 ,77 are all worth a look as are the Airarms Tx200 and prosport

The best thing is as you are suggesting looking at and holding a few before you decide.

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