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The best of 2013.


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Just wondering what your best day of 2013 was?

Any firsts or red letter days? Include pictures too.

Mine has to be over a few days when I was down in Kent for a weeks sport and managed to get my first rainbow trout, my first fox, my first go at woodpigeons and my first fallow, its a week I wont forget.









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September 1st the first after a serious stroke in the summer that left me and the doctors very doubtful that I would ever go wildfowling again. The first morning of the season was perfect , I shot a marsh that I first flighted way back in the late 1960s, the morning was sunny with a stiff wind, there were plenty of birds about and though my shooting was pretty poor I managed to bag a couple of mallard and a gadwall . But best of all I was shooting with a long time fowling mate who had helped me keep my spirits up during the long summer.

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September 1st the first after a serious stroke in the summer that left me and the doctors very doubtful that I would ever go wildfowling again. The first morning of the season was perfect , I shot a marsh that I first flighted way back in the late 1960s, the morning was sunny with a stiff wind, there were plenty of birds about and though my shooting was pretty poor I managed to bag a couple of mallard and a gadwall . But best of all I was shooting with a long time fowling mate who had helped me keep my spirits up during the long summer.

Sorry to hear about your health but by the sounds of it you are doing a lot better than expected. Chin up and crack at :good:

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A fantastic flight on the marsh at the end of last season in freezing conditions. A couple of memorable roe buck, one as I walked back to the car to finish what would have been a blank three day trip, and the second a rutting buck that likewise prevented a trip being a blank, succumbing on the last of five stalks. This season, a fantastic teal flight on a pond, and then last month a big driven game day with my brother, first time I had spent serious money on one days shooting but worth every penny.

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Good for you. My grandfather had a serious stroke just before Christmas last year and is now wheelchair bound and requires assistance from the local authority carers to get in and out of bed, get dressed and to clean him.


As for shooting, 20th Jan. 2013. A duck flight on reclaimed salting/fresh marsh in Essex shooting over an old tidal creek (now fresh) in a deluge of snow. 7 guns on two creeks. 22 ducks to my gun, a mix of mallard, wigeon, teal and pintail with thousands of duck in the air, packs of wigeon hundreds strong. They just poured in over an extended flight.


September 1st the first after a serious stroke in the summer that left me and the doctors very doubtful that I would ever go wildfowling again. The first morning of the season was perfect , I shot a marsh that I first flighted way back in the late 1960s, the morning was sunny with a stiff wind, there were plenty of birds about and though my shooting was pretty poor I managed to bag a couple of mallard and a gadwall . But best of all I was shooting with a long time fowling mate who had helped me keep my spirits up during the long summer.

Edited by Penelope
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Forgive me chaps for I do not have any photos of my excursions much in 2013. but


Shot a dozen or so hundred plus bags 2013. But the one that sticks to mind was February on rape. started decoying 1pm set up. They

started to come thick and fast on a strong wind from the west. shot after shot bird after bird hot barrels the proper thrill of

winter rape shooting as it should be. Dried up 3.30pm picked up 153 pigeons. This is what dreams are made of for me. truly great

sport and shooting on form. Hide in a hedge with a hole, so I could shoot in front and behind all sorts of bird angle's high one's

low ones, decoying ones, tree toppers, tall ones, crossers. Really great day wont forget it hectic. And didn't miss to many either.

Fingers crossed for 2014.

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