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Practical Shotgun


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Exactly. I respect your views figgy, of course I disagree with them but it's your right. it just seemed like you were making comments such: "those walter mitty rambo types" without actually knowing anything about the sport which you yourself mentioned. It's not quite tactical, you see the metal plates don't shoot back. If you were to employ the same tactics that you use in PSG against live human attackers, you would probbaly end up dead.


It's tactical as in shoot the plates in the quickest possible time, not to simulate some bad guys shooting at you or anything. I know it was developed from American military and police tactics but PSG in the Uk is just a sport of dynamic shooting, nothing else, we do not dress in camo, it's actually forbidden unles you're in the military and it's one of the safest and most strictly controlled shooting disciplines, due to the moving aspect. I know many shooters at my local rifle club which would never make the safety of practical since it's so strict.

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