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#8/9 shot

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Hi, I'm looking to start making my own cartridges, but since iv sat down and worked out the price of everything it's works out roughly the same price as buying cartridges from my local shop maybe a little more! Iv found that the shot is quite expensive, so I was wondering if anyone knew a cheaper way of getting #8/9 shot lead or steal. Also the cheapest place to get reloading items e.g powder, wads and primers? Any help would be great.



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Guest cookoff013

it is approx 20% more to buy shells.


some recipe / components are cheaper than others.


you save ~£20-40 making world cup shells. maybe (JC prices) but thats one hell of a shell.


if you chase cheapies. so be it you`ll never ever get close to that value. the big boys do it better cheaper faster.

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it is approx 20% more to buy shells.


some recipe / components are cheaper than others.


you save ~£20-40 making world cup shells. maybe (JC prices) but thats one hell of a shell.


if you chase cheapies. so be it you`ll never ever get close to that value. the big boys do it better cheaper faster.

Yeah the recipe I have seems ok, it's just the shot is pushing up my price. I was just wondering if there was any way of getting it cheaper maybe someone could make it or does make it? Iv even heard of reclaimed shot??

If I'm honest I was just going to do it for something to do and maybe save myself a few quid.

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Guest cookoff013

i actually reload #9 shot for my new powder.....


but i do reload cheap lead when it falls from the sky..... i aint picky about shotsizes.


i dont want to make shot. i`ve enough hassles sorting out loads etc.

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