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Home made IR illuminator


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Right, :look: the answer was literally staring me in the face, or rather not as the case may be.


Thanks to peltman for the steer in the right direction :no:


All this nonsense about wavelengths and different materials and stuff - all completely wrong.


The simple facts are the effect you are looking for is a reflection, in order to see the reflection properly you need to be looking down the beam of light. The NV's lamp is aimed as close to the line of sight through it as possible.


Shining a separate lamp at the rabbit then looking through the NV, the shining of the eyes is there but you are not looking at it. Hold the lamp up to the NV and look as close as you can to down the beam, up they shine :)


How embarrassing :)


The original torch I made works superbly as it should have done, the other filter material also does what it is supposed to when used properly :) So the IR lamp I made does the thing I wanted it to do, and its cost me next to nothing :)

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Right, :look: the answer was literally staring me in the face, or rather not as the case may be.


Thanks to peltman for the steer in the right direction :)


All this nonsense about wavelengths and different materials and stuff - all completely wrong.


The simple facts are the effect you are looking for is a reflection, in order to see the reflection properly you need to be looking down the beam of light. The NV's lamp is aimed as close to the line of sight through it as possible.


Shining a separate lamp at the rabbit then looking through the NV, the shining of the eyes is there but you are not looking at it. Hold the lamp up to the NV and look as close as you can to down the beam, up they shine :)


How embarrassing :)


The original torch I made works superbly as it should have done, the other filter material also does what it is supposed to when used properly :) So the IR lamp I made does the thing I wanted it to do, and its cost me next to nothing :lol:



i take it that you have tested this out on your poor bunny ?



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Just been out onto one of my permissions purely to look for bugsy, I never see many over there but its close :look:


Wow is the only way to describe it, exactly what I had hoped. I can see mr hoppy merrily eating away and ignoring me completely. Watched three about 100 yards away down a hedge line springing about and chasing each other, and a load more sitting a long way out into the field (70 yds from the hedge where they have their bury). I would say they would have to have been about 160 yards or more away.


I tried walking towards the three playing along the hedge and got to within about 20 feet before they even knew something was up, even then they didn't know where the noise had come from and were looking round for what made it.


The large torch probably isn't needed, better with my tracer with the IR filter and the battery stowed away on a belt, its hard to hold the NV up as well as the torch and keep them lined up because its bulky and quite heavy. It has two power settings, and I could still see eyes out at 160yds with it on low power.


To prove a point I put the lamp on them and they scattered :no:

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Funny you should mention that, but that's next :)


I wasn't going to mount the NV on the rifle, but I was planning on using a laser (headmount for the NV)


The main problem with lasers is, if you know the distance you will shoot at you zero it, aim bang on and thats great, until you need to shoot further or closer (depends a lot on the ballistics of the rifle).


Since I want to do this with section one air as well as moderated .22lr (nice and quiet for night time) they have similar ballistics (somewhat loopy). You need to be able to positively adjust the laser for your range as you can't really hold under or over with a laser :)


Obviously we are talking about a IR laser here, not much point being covert then shining a laser all over the place :) Even if I did find out that 650nm lasers can't easily be seen by a rabbit :look:


Still on the design board at the moment but I have an idea. I know you can buy tactical lasers which do this, but if I had that kind of money to spend on one, I would have just bought a gen2+ NV rifle scope and had done with it :no:

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No idea, I know where you can get one full price, unless you can find a lidl with one left, or find one on ebay...


They are called "bresser Nightlux" or "Bresser NV now"


Having said all that, if I could choose an NV monocular now, I would pick the Yukon NVM2 - for the simple reason it's got the same tube and similar optics, but it has a dedicated professional head mount as an accessory.


I am struggling to find anything suitable for the bresser, which means making something which is probably going to be very heath robinson :look: :no:

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Define cheap :)


Considering this solution will be in leu of what I would need a really good gen2+ rifle scope to do :look:


I know of a supplier who has one small enough and stable enough with 5mw output @ 805nm for $69


About 7 months ago there was a breakthrough in technology and every month these get cheaper and cheaper :no:

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:) Just received my IR filter for my tracer max pro, will give it ago tonight for abit, tried it in my lounge and it shines so bright i nearly blinded myself from the reflection.


:no: I would love to be able to shoot with it, but i think the case will have to be for me, is shine the nv,,,, find the fox or rabbit, then take off the IR filter and shoot, should give me enough time.


Ill mainly use it for foxes from my high seat.






Im going to buy the magnification adapter when i can find where to get one from, i shall see if i can fix the lamp onto the top of the NV aswell to give me a spare hand.

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Well i went out with my nv and my new IR filter for my tracer max pro,,, works really well, out to around 150yrs would you say?


It has a wide beam on it, however i didnt see anything to shine it onto, so havent tested it agaisnt rabbits yet. Ill wait for my magnifier to come through then set up my new high seat and try it out on mr foxy.


Seems to work great though...




Cant wait. :good:

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