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whats the finish on my English sxs stock ?


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Hi recently bought an old English sxs poss pre 1932 was told its an oil finish but its quite shiny? Its definately not varnish as you can see the grain is visible in some areas where the finish is not that thickly applied.

I wondered if its Truoil finished but never used that stuff as am a walnut oil fan you see but wanted to continue the same finish if it ever needs a shine up as it looks good quality?


Whats your thoughts and suggestions on this?



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85 years old so it could have had any number of oils ,polishes , waxes etc. applied to it in that time . It will originally have been oiled that's about all that can be said for certain . If you are thinking of re finishing or merely "refreshing the finish " most commercial preparations are fairly forgiving but I would recommend that the wood is prepped by rubbing down with wet or dry paper to even it all out first and cleaned off with a spirit before you start applying any thing else .

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