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Can't answer for a HW80 in particular but those H&N do fine in my AAS410K and I know quite a few people who use em too.


I used to use accupels but there were always quite a number of damaged pellets in the tin. Not so with the H&N and they also appear to be a lot harder too.


On the range with .177 I get ****** all varaition from 6-45 yards when zeroed at 37 yards and as I say I very rarely get any duff pellets.


Pins suggestion is also a good idea :good:

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i would like opinions from people with experience with a hw80 please, i would like to know which pellets you found best to use with your hw80 and which ones you would recomend for me. i havebeen told h+n field and target trophy, thanks :good:


most the guys up my club use JSB's very similar to air arms. there a good all round pellet ive found for most guns

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Every gun is different, so you will have to give a few types a go and see for yourself ideally. In .22, as a rule the european guns tend to like the smaller pellets, and english guns like larger. For example, eley wasp are sold in 5.6mm or 5.5mm. The 5.5mm is a fairly new addition due to the larger one not working in a lot of modern european guns. Old webley and BSA guns prefer the 5.6mm because they have a fairly loose bore. H&N are german (I think) like the HW80 is, so they should go through it fairly well. Also, don't get yourself too heavy a pellet. No springer works to it's best with a heavyweight pellet, and you will lose a bit of power. What calibre is the gun? :)

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assuming the HW8O and my HW90K have simular barrels, I found accupell wouldn't group well at all but did in a Webley longbow. For me I found H&N FT best followed by the largest AA. the worst in both guns were the Marksman pointed. Most pellet info gives weight but not diameter.

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After getting a shot gun spread with my HW90K but my sons Longbow was fine with the same pellets, I started trying to sort the problem - part was winter so the barrel contracted - so in summer it wouldn't group. Also it was low on pressure - on correction it raised the zero point by 200mm at 25m {plus me being a **** shot, plus I blamed the scope}.


Most target .177 pellets are sized but not many .22, on measuring up .22 pellets with a micrometer, not easy being made of soft lead, eash type varies alot the good makes are very consistant but the cheap ones vary alot. Its a case of buying a tin of each make to give different diameters then test them. The AA come in x3 sizes, heavy, accurate and very consistant I am using H&N FT bit lighter consistant, my son can clover leaf at 35m from a sitting position. Also speeds vary with our .177 Evolution different pellets can vary by 120fps.


Now the problems are sorted its a great but heavy gun but as my son said," if I lock the scope on a target, consider it dead". x3 pellets x3 kills sunday :good: He could have shot more if he hadn't got bored and out came his camera phone and started setting up x2 squirrels on the HW90 as if they were shooting a pigeon to show his mates.

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I'm not sure how to transfer the pics onto my nhs computer, but they are good, many thanks. :lol:


He really made a big mistake after shooting, after playing with his phone so much the battery went flat, so he used mine to txt his girlfriend - and I got his well 'Hot' reply. :lol:

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