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Two loose screws...


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After reading http://forums.pigeonwatch.co.uk/forums/topic/274237-an-unfixable-screw-loose-beretta-so6/ it reminded me to ask for sage advice on my similar issue with my super cheap and cheerful Rizzini.


The fore-end has two holes drilled in it, into which two screws are inserted to help hold the locking mechanism in place. Sadly, these screws have no wood to bite into; they merely spin in place and if I take the fore-end off they just fall out. Whilst this doesn't make any difference aesthetically, it does mean that the fore-end can move a tiny bit which is irritating.


I'd like to fill these two holes with "something", drill a pilot hole and then sink these two screws back into place, thereby giving them something to bite into. Given the value of the gun (300 quid) is it worth giving it to a gunsmith to fettle (it's due a service anyway, so two birds with one cartridge stone) or is it something I can do myself without making a right balls of it.


When the fore-end is on the gun the repair would not be visible, but I'd still like it to look reasonable so that if I ever sell the gun on, someone doesn't end up with a dogs dinner.



Any advice on how to fix it, using what as a filler or just suck it up and give it to the 'smith?


I can post a few pics if my description above is utterly confusing.




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So inserting a plug is the way forward. Something I've often said to the wife, as it happens.


Many thanks chaps - I figured it would be straightforward but I like to have a little prod i the right direction by people who know what they're on about!

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So inserting a plug is the way forward. Something I've often said to the wife, as it happens.


Many thanks chaps - I figured it would be straightforward but I like to have a little prod i the right direction by people who know what they're on about!

Very similar 4 steps


Get wood

Plug hole

Drill it

Screw it

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