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Petition to Regulate & monitor activities of animal welfare charit


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Making sweeping new laws that wouldn't solve the original issue, and effect majority when the tiny minority is the issue?.


Talk like that is the very thing that will see us all losing our guns. The same way we lost handguns.

Sorry dont follow what my post has to do with losing guns and pistols.

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Isnt the point that you have to deal with all such organisations alike or 'make them special'.

Those that do good work well, would have nothing to fear or be impede them in their normal delivery?


That is indeed the only way it can work.

It would be impossible to single out one or two charities and create laws and regulations specifically for them, regulation must and has to apply to them all.

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Sorry dont follow what my post has to do with losing guns and pistols.

I think he means that if you legislate for the unlawful acts of a minority, then that legislation also effects the law abiding majority. There are many examples of this in effect, brought about by politicians of all parties. It's not an ideal situation but in this case it wouldn't effect the other organisations, unless they too stepped over the line. The difficuilties in this instance would be, I think, in determining where the line begins.

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This petition only has 695 signatures so it might be worth every reader forwarding this link to all of their shooting colleagues. Remember these lunatics claim to represent animal rights and this claim is false. Shooting is "Green" and we are the best custodians of animal welfare. Ever sat watching your bird feeder in your garden - well consider this multiplied thousands of times by the tons of wheat dispensed on a shoot via drums of feeders not to mention cover crops and habitat improvements that would not otherwise exist in animal rights utopia AKA an agro chemical wasteland dominated by vermin.

BRIAN MAY has criticised Princes William and Harry for embracing hunting while also launching an anti-poaching campaign. It is my opinion that out shooting organisations should not allow such bigoted opinions (Brian May) to go unchallenged and yet they do!


Consider USAID & the CAMPFIRE Program. The theory behind this is to place a commercial value on game, which in turn is paid back to the communities as revenue. Since the inception of CAMPFIRE, USAID notes that land in Zimbabwe dedicated to conservation has more than doubled; to over 30% of the country, and that the elephant population has increased from under 50,000 to over 65,000 and yet animal rights activists ignore the benefits conferred on wildlife and maintain that U.S. tax dollars should not be used to support hunting in any way, even for the benefit of those animal they "claim" to protect.


Humans first appeared about 195,000 years ago. Of the 195,000 years it is only in the last 100 that hunting has been divorced from food and the last 20 years, divorced from logic by animal rights activists giving animals anthropomorphic –human like qualities. Now animals are seen with qualities and rights to the point where even the advancement of life saving medical science is frustrated. The chances are the majority of the UK population will know someone who has benefited by the lifesaving advances in medical science that would otherwise have been denied them by these lunatics. These are the issues that should be brought home to the gullible public before they give money to these animal rights charities. The success of the animals under the custodianship of shooting sports has been clearly evidenced but alas it seems there are many who would rather see the decline in habitat and of animals than allow sport hunting which offends their urban politically correct sentiment.


Animal rights activists do not represent animal rights and they should not be allowed to make this claim without challenge - responsible shooting is Green.










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