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thinking off getting my fac


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hi i have a few questions regarding a FAC application, i have close to 1000 acres of permission, with permission to use fac rifles,

a bit about me might help with the answering of the questions i have,

im 36 no criminal record,nearly 20 years military service,

came out late last year, got told i had depression an ptsd on tabs for the depression

my main question is do the police all ways contact your doctors on fac apps?

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Not always, but in your case they almost certainly will. Especially as you will have to declare depression on the form. Whether your doctor wishes to comment on suitability would be a matter for them as many do not want to. Some follow old BMA advice and refuse to respond, (since reviewed to support them disclosing issues where they have concerns). some are just anti-shooting whereas some will actually put pen to paper either to support you or not...

Although you sign to say they can contact your GP, under normal circumstances, your doctor shouldn't disclose anything without asking your consent first. However, your refusal of consent may jeopardise the application regardless.

Might be worth a chat with the GP to see where they stand before putting yourself through the potential agony of waiting.

Good luck with it though.

Edited by jimmyb79
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apparently 1 in 4 people suffer depression at some point

I have recently had letters from my gp sent to the police regarding historical medical disclosures and have heard nothing back from them, and have even had a variation on my FAC go through with no problems.

it is outside of a gp remit to say whether you are fit or unfit to hold a licence, ( think I read somewhere they are not allowed to express opinion only state the medical facts)


so go for it, they can only say no and it is very likely they will say yes


if this country is happy for you to have a weapon to defend us it would seem very wrong to deny you in pursuit of a hobby/past time


good luck

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cheers lads, if i had my way i would be back in polk county Georgia like a shot, between me and my dad we own 15,000 acres an we are members of a hunting club that rents 35,000 acres...the wife wanted to come bk home as both our mums live here, shame the british fac system isnt like the states lo,l in GA you have to pass a weekend long course on shooting an hunting, then job done go buy what u like, i even have a concealed firearms permit aswell, i remember when you could have pistols over here.

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