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Franchi 48al Issues


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Hi, One of the lads at work on impulse recently bought himself a Franchi 48al at a local sporting auction. Only cost him £30 and he was quite chuffed, that was until he tried it. Loaded and cocked, up went the clay, click, click, click. No bang.

Stripped it down for him and some swine has had the firing pin and rebound spring away.

Now I know parts are hard to come by for these so does anyone have any recommendations for company's or smiths that may be able to help him ?

If push comes to shove we could machine one up and have it treated here at work, only for that we'd need a pattern to work from, so the next question is, is there anyone in the North Devon area with a Franchi 48aAL in 12 gauge who would be willing to let us strip and measure the firing pin please.

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PM wabbitbosher on here. He had some recently which were stripped. Also keep an ear on this post as someone else wanted some parts for one and found one. They didn't need the firing pin from the spare, so do a search. He might be able to sell you those bits you need.


I want to say he was newcastle or cumbria area.



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