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Beretta extrema a391 owners HELP Please!!

Stealth Stalker

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I'm having cycling issues with my Beretta & before anyone says give it a good clean this things as shiny as a new pin!


It fires the first shot fine & on most occasions the second from the chamber as well, the problem is the third shell, it gets stuck on the carrier & the inside of the breech bolt button! I've been getting round this with a little flick with a finger but I'm getting more & more frustrated as I'm having some good days out on the pigeon at the moment.


I've noticed when I push the receiver plate up & look inside, the stainless steel plate at the back of the breech bolt button has a dent & wear marks where the cartridge comes out & I was wondering if this is normal?


If any owners could have a quick look I'd be most grateful.


Or... if anyone else has had the same issues & sorted the problem?


Thanks in advance



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I had no issues with cycling with my extrema 1 but recently it has failed (when emptying the lot) to feed from the mag - the release button just doesnt work - I ma presuming this is a cleaning issue but any bending and I would get it fixed - after a good clean - sorry !

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The only time I had feeding issues with the beretta was when the inside of the Magazine tube got dirty , it was only dust in there but it slowed the feeding up enough to cause jams

Take the top off the tube , remove the spring and give the mag tube and spring a good clean and make sure it is dry.


A pic of the dent you talk about may help with a diagnosis

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ey up,


Only had two issues with my AL391.


killing it with kindness by allowing oil forward of the bolt. Everything from the bolt forward once clean must be free from oil,


last year i had similar problems with loading the fresh cartridge after firing the first. The 2nd cartridge was jamming on the breech face.


thankfully sorted out under warranty (gun is 9 years old and has had some 30,000 shots through it). they fitted a new loading gate and button. Been fine ever since.


hope this helps,





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