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few questions about applying for a SGC


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Right guys eventually over the next 6 months i may get round to applying for a SGC. However I have a few problems. Basically in july I am moving for a year out of the county then back again afterwards for a year then maybe away for good after. Also my mum does not really want a gun cabinet fixed at home and any rate I wont be their for a year.


So firstly, can I apply for a licence and keep the gun at either another SGC holders cabinet (eg the farm where i shoot) or if not do local clubs provide lock ups (and roughly how much does it cost)?


Secondly, If i get my SGC in kent, can i then move to Hampshire with a Kent SGC? Or does it need to be changed/reissued by Hamps?


Finally can I then move back from Hamps to Kent with that Cert or would it need changing/re-issuing by Kent?


Also, if I am only living in hamps mon-fri then can i still use home addy for gun etc? As my shoot will be back in kent so the only shooting i might do will be clays in hamp.


I know there are some wierd/hard q's there but i know you guys will know the answers between you all!

Thanks guys,


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If you don't know where you'll be for the majority of the time I'd just not bother applying. Get your farmer who would be keeping your gun to get the gun of your choice on his cert, and use it when you have chance. You've said before that you only ever shoot with him, so it shouldn't be a problem. When you settle down, apply for your cert and have your gun transferred onto it :lol:

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If you don't know where you'll be for the majority of the time I'd just not bother applying. Get your farmer who would be keeping your gun to get the gun of your choice on his cert, and use it when you have chance. You've said before that you only ever shoot with him, so it shouldn't be a problem. When you settle down, apply for your cert and have your gun transferred onto it :lol:



Wise words, applying for a SGC and obtaining a shotgun will be difficult if you are on the move. As the number one word in this world is security and safety, you will be the shotgun cert holder but you will hardly be around. They are likely to give you a no.

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thanks i did consider that they would probably give me a big no no but just wondered what your opinions where on the matter. Also, if as dazzy mentioned about putting the gun on the farmers cert, would I not be able to shoot it unless he was present? As I have shot with him being new and all but am starting to shoot on my own now as we are both more confident in me.

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thanks i did consider that they would probably give me a big no no but just wondered what your opinions where on the matter. Also, if as dazzy mentioned about putting the gun on the farmers cert, would I not be able to shoot it unless he was present? As I have shot with him being new and all but am starting to shoot on my own now as we are both more confident in me.



I cant remember of hand but if you are using the gun on his cert i think he has to be present, unless you are shooting on land "HE" owns.


I could be wrong, and im sure someone will correct me.

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My understanding is the same as njc110381.


You would be able to shoot the gun with the farmer in your company. but you wont be able to turn up and take the gun out when he is not with you. weather you are on his land or not. it is the gun that is licenced not the land.


If I was you I would apply for a SGC. tell the feo that you will be keeping the shotgun in the farmers safe

( If your mum dont want you to have a safe at home). then get a safe fixed into the back of your car for when you are travelling. just dont leave the gun unattended in the back of the car for long periods of time. if the gun will be locked away in the back of the car for long periods of time ( over the weekend) take the action in to the house with you and leave it in a safe place. with the barrels and stock still locked away in the car safe. that way the gun can not be used if the car gets stolen.


I am sute there are lots of people that have shot guns locked away in there safe at home when they are travelling the world. as long as the guns are locked away safely I dont see a problem. why should you be penalised just because you travell about allot. the main priority is safety. you would not want a shot gun to fall into the wrong hands just because you had not done all you can with safety, Keep it under lock and key at all times.


Hope this helps, good luck :lol:


Kipper :lol:

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I am not an experienced shooter, so please seek to confirm what I write with, for expample your local police area FLO. However, after looking/reading many, many different web sites, that; in regards to a land owner, who has a certs/license, you may shoot, with a weapon on his certs if; you are in his, or his agents presents, whilst on his land. What you need check is; does his "agent" ie a gamekeeper or anyone else that he appionts to control vermin on his land, need their own certificate or is it an apointment that he can bestoll upon you?

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