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Early morning Buck.


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Hiya, I had a "late" start for work this morning, almost backshift as I didnt have to start till 8am, so, as I was awake at 5am as per usual,, had a coffee and decided to go on the long drive to the farm, 30 secs after starting the car, I was there. I kid you not, it's that close... :)




I've been watching a group of 4 Roe on this farm for the last couple of months, the large doe was obviously pregnant. Their's also a good buck, a 6 pointer, but he's still in velvet, and will do for another day in a few weeks.......along with the Doe and the Buck, their are a yearling buck and doe ..I'd tried for the yearling doe previously, but not had a shot at her..... The yearling buck was the target....and after a bit of waiting and watching the clock, ( in case I was late for work) and me crawling round one of the sheds, he presented a shot at about 120yds... :)

I fired and he stood for about 5-10 seconds, I didnt see the hit, but the farmers son in law was with me, and saw it through the binos, it hit in the heart... and it just fell over.....:)




So, my first of the season, hopefully more to come...AND, I was'nt late for work... :)



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well done lovely to have one on the first... i had two yesterday



Nice one, I'm hanging on to the larger one till the antlers are clean...:) Got a couple of decent bucks on one of the other farms, trying to save them for my mate coming up from England..BUT, if he aint fast.....LOL....:)

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Nice one norrie did you ever do your level 2 ?


Not started it yet Davie., but got an AW all lined up.....hoping to go to the Deer Managemet day in June and talk to Paul about it.....:)


Good to hear from you mate...Hope yer well...:)

nice 1 mate.. that old 222 of yours is still serving me well....



Good stuff, glad it's still doing the job...it was a great wee gun...Hope yer well...:)

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