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Just saw a Stoat have to keep an eye on it.


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Just been making some lunch looking out the kitchen window when I saw a stoat running across the yard and into the field next door in broad daylight. Now we had them a few years ago when we had a massive rabbit problem and they sorted that out so we left them alone and although we only ever saw them when it was dark they were interesting to watch. We now have chickens that run free range across the field during the day and are shut up at night to keep them safe so now wondering what the stoat and no doubt its family are feeding on or thinking of feeding on. The chickens are probably a bit big for it but never say never. Just another thing to keep an eye out for along with the foxes, rats, rabbits...

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There's Stoats in Orkney now and they reckon they're breeding fast! as they're not native someone's introduced them on purpose or by accident.The first sightings were about 4 years ago and it was one here and there but they were trapping a few and releasing them south but now the sightings are all over the mainland of Orkney. They think there could be a few hundred now, the occasional chicken and pheasant are found with throats and neck torn to bits, there is word of SNH upping the traps as they're worried for Hen Harriers and Short eared owls. I have hens too,I presume you can't shoot them even if they're prowling around the hen run?

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