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Problems with Gamebore Super Steels

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I've shot a few thousand dope these 24g in 9's never had a problem . Suddenly myself and a few others who use them have had several failed to fire. I'm up to about 20 now and it's getting to the point I don't want to use them, also had this Ely on Sunday at a sporting shoot , wondered why it wouldn't go in . I've spoken to the shop I bought them from not interested, so I e mailed Gamebore they want me to return them to the shop so they can collect them. Wondering if it's worth my trouble.



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Guest cookoff013

your purchase agreement is with the shop, not gamebore. the shop should replace your shells.


obviously the ammunition is unfit for purpose.


its the dealers problem after that. you still have purchase rights, use them.


if the dealer is unwilling to replace them or do anything, write them a clear letter explaining your issues with the products he sells.

you have rights, use them.

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It took Gamebore almost a week to respond to my e mail, so by the time I got a response I'd disposed of most of them. Those three were from last week. I'll give them to the owner of the shop and explain the e mail from Gamebore. I shot 75 of them this morning with no problems, all from the same batch.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I finally got a response from Gamebore, basically they said they couldn't test the faulty cartridges but as the shop had had others returned they assume they had a problem , I got this today. I'd rather a slab of cartridges but at least it's recognition .


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