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left handed trap gun


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im thinking of buying a trap gun as ive started doing a bit of dtl, do any of you know who makes left handed or striaght trap guns?


as much as id like a perazzi im only really interested in sensibly priced guns as i wont be doing enough dtl to make spending a lot worth while.. that and my new semi auto has drained the gun fund. but even though im not looking at spending a lot i dont have a set budget in mind and i would push my spend up a bit for a nicer quality gun. although a new gun is nice, im more than happy to buy used

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Lol I went through this not so long ago! Where are you shooting DTL?


Have a look at my old threads, took me 3 months to find one well worth the wait got a miroku 3800 with a left handed (cast on) stock left hand palm swell but the stock was fitted later I think.


They are out there just not so many about and dealers often list them wrong.


I was looking for a 682 initially but couldn't find one in budget cast on, the beretta 68x series have interchangeable wood work. And due to the nature of DTL an adjustable comb is common many LH DTL shooters use a cast off gun with adjustable comb this opens up the options.

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i remember your old thread, and re-read it this morning after doing a search for left hand trap gun on here


my regular shooting partner shot for years in nelson and ive been there a few times now, last time was last sunday and may be going back up next sunday.... im not very good but i spent some time with chris up there and hes given me some pointers, seems my main issue apart from using a sporter is my glasses (theres a thread on here somewhere about them) so got contacts coming and am thinking about a trap gun.. how much did you pay for yours?

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so nice you had to say it twice :lol:


up nelson last week and one of the guys there had a new CG, cant remember the model but i know it cost him almost four grand... had a couple of shots of it and it was lovely.. smooth as silk and shouldered lovely left handed.. to much gun for me though, it killed me paying half that for my a400

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Lol quite a few have bought CG's recently


I picked mine up well under £1k..... Plenty about but alot are overpriced IMO there is something odd about proper trap guns some dealers won't touch them others specialise in them most trap grounds have a merrygo round where guns are sold around the members there's a few left handers up there don't remember shooting with another LH last week so you I might not have shot with you. Unless you were the guy without ear plugs.....

Edited by HDAV
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Lol quite a few have bought CG's recently


I picked mine up well under £1k..... Plenty about but alot are overpriced IMO there is something odd about proper trap guns some dealers won't touch them others specialise in them most trap grounds have a merrygo round where guns are sold around the members there's a few left handers up there don't remember shooting with another LH last week so you I might not have shot with you. Unless you were the guy without ear plugs.....


no i wasnt the plonker without plugs, i have ear defenders on when im up there... youll know me if you see me shooting, im the one missing everything :)


did four lines last week, three of them where the usual where most guys got 18+ or 20+ and one line i think only one did and everyone else was like me. it was quite a plesent change


ive seen right handed mirokus in sportsmans newport for i think £850. i know i can shoot right handed guns ok (tried three last week) but i would prefer a proper leftie

ill know by friday if im going up on the weekend, if i am ill drop you a pm incase your going up

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Can't do next week as I've got other plans.... I had a great line last week dropped a bird a d a half..... Just can't hit a straight .... I looked at the permutations buying a RH and then changing the stock, having it bent etc etc buying a RH and putting and adjustable comb on it etc in the end I waited it out



http://www.guntrader.co.uk/Guns-For-Sale/Miroku_Shotgun_3800-Grade-3_For-Sale_140503095553768 looks rather nice and sensible money....

http://www.guntrader.co.uk/Guns-For-Sale/Beretta_Shotgun_682-GOLD-TRAP_For-Sale_140331100143001 looks tidy...


Problem is they are all Ooooop north!

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both those look nice, the morokus stunning... just cant spend over a grand on another gun at the mo.. thats a months wages for me.. and ive just bought a new baretta a400 extreme that killed my savings... if i where to buy now i could spend 700 or maybe push 800 but that would be it.. but im in no rush so ill keep saving and trying to convince myself i dont need another gun


what am i saying about savings, since getting my sgc ive had no savings :lol:

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thanks for that, spotted it yesterday adternoon... nice guns to as i used one yesterday morning that belonged to the gun clubs owner,,, might have found a gun, spoke to someone last night who has a baretta 682 x trap, he gave it to a mate who owns a gun shop to sell for him.. hes pretty sure it hasnt gone so is checking and ringing me back this morning

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i posted here: http://forums.pigeonwatch.co.uk/forums/topic/283217-opinions-wanted-on-baretta-682-x-trap/ last night about it, not seen it yet but on of the guys in nelson saw it and said it was ok.. if it doesnt work out i may go for the winchester, chris in nelson has one and its a nice gun.. his is 30 year old and still in lovely condition

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picked a gun up today, a mint condition beretta 682 x trap (as mentioned in another thread on here) went to have a look and it shouldered lovely, feels right and is as tight as a ducks ****.. cost me £900 and they woudnt move a penny of it but im happy... cant wait to get out and try it now

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picked a gun up today, a mint condition beretta 682 x trap (as mentioned in another thread on here) went to have a look and it shouldered lovely, feels right and is as tight as a ducks ****.. cost me £900 and they woudnt move a penny of it but im happy... cant wait to get out and try it now


Nice... I was in gunsmiths today as a 682 gold-e trap LH was going to its new owner.......


Up nelson Sunday to give it a bash?

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hopefully up on sunday but not sure yet.... got a new toy so NEED to play.. also need to get my sporter for sale over the weekend.. love my lanber as it was my first gun but i only do sporting once ina blue moon and i can use my semi or this trap for that

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