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Crows Friday


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Just received a call of a mate got a load of crows on his ploughed fields. Will take a look next couple of days if plenty will take 1 gun off here if anyone is available for some crow bashing. If not many there will go on my lonesome :sad1: atb Terry

Edited by eccles
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A few hours on the crows would be nice ;)

Hi Bud Iv'e had a few pm's regarding this post will let you know asap after iv'e had replies. :good: How much crow decoying have you done. Iv'e got plenty of decoys you would only need a hide poles and net if you come. Plan would be a early start there by 6 ish if to far for you in morning you could come night before and stop over ready for a early start no prob.atb Terry

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Hi Terry ... well mate, lve a decent net/poles and keenness to go with it. To say lve lots of experience decoying for crow would be a slight over exaggeration on my part. I do have a pop at them most weeks, but l normally get between 1-3 a session, if lm lucky.

l seen you posted your suffering with a bad back. 16 months ago l had an operation regards a prolapsed disc "T4/5" .. wonderful operation. Fully recovered, though it doesn't cure an aching back, there isnt a cure for that Terry. I'm back to work and functioning fully, though l give myself the benefit of the doubt nowadays. If a lift looks heavy, l ask now for assistance.

lve actually started to utilise my old golf trolley regards moving decoying gear from A-B ...


Anyhow Terry, lve recently got hold of a 5 metre ghost net, and lve a smaller one to use etc .. lve a dozen or so pigeon decoys, but crow/magpie decoys "none" .. which goes some way probably to explain why l usually only ever get the odd crow/jackdaw/magpie, plus lm not the best shot in the world !! ... anyhow, if your after a shooting buddy for a few hours let me know ... l can let you know my shifts via a PM if your interested, l have days off in the week as well as two weekends off per month .. probably take me about two hours to get to your neck of the woods lm guessing.... ATB Peter

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Hi Peter . Thanks for you reply :good: and a good 1 at that. :yes:

You would be welcome to come shooting bud. :good: PM me some dates etc and i'll arrange some shooting for you.

Got all the crow kit you only need hide poles and net my hide etc bit tight for 2 guns to shoot safely . Don't worry about not been on the crows much iv'e been at them for blinking years.

Shot thousands of the bloody things. You will soon learn how to go about decoying them bud. atvb Terry

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