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Disco TD5 lights problem


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Hi all I've had this problem for a while now and it's with the facelift lights (02) all it is it's when I go to put lights on there is a delay with them coming on ? (main beam) I come out of work at 2 this morning and they wouldn't come on at all ? It had been raining quite heavy, so in my want to get home I had to drive with full beam on for a short while always trying the main beam not wanting to attract any unwanted attention. I'm thinking it's maybe a bad connection or water getting in somewhere ? But once lights are on they stay on fine with no flickering and seems like they like to warm up before they come on ?

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I had a similar problem with a VW Golf MK2. I know its a different animal to your discovery but, as I say my Golfs lights seemed to work some days and not others . The full beam worked all the time, even with the ignition off by pulling back on the indicator arm. I tried to resolve the problem over several weeks, I checked the wiring, replaced the light switch, replaced a relay inside the fuse box. I had no success, in fact the situation got worse as even when the lights were on they developed the trick of going out for several second or minutes. I was able to overcome the lights going out by pulling back on the indicator arm and using main beam. After all my attempts of a self fix, I took it to an auto electrician. The problem was traced down to a worn and faulty ignition barrel, total cost of the repair was an eye watering £270 (at the time this was one and a half weeks wage!).

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