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Gaining shooting permission at a young age


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Hi everyone, I just wanted to know peoples opinion/experience on how hard they found it gaining shooting permission at a young age ?


The reason I ask this is because I am looking to find a little more land that I could shoot, I currently have around 350 acres of dairy/arable land.


I am a bit reluctant to go up to local farmers because im only 21, and I'm worried that they will take one look at me an say no,


I have lived in the countryside my whole life and have been shooting since I was 14 with my father, my dads well known by all the farmers because he was a farmer up until about 5 years ago.


any advice/opinions would be great


Many thanks

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If you dont go and ask fella your not going to get anywhere, just make sure you go smartly dressed and can take a no answer. If as you say your family is known locally then that may be a good introduction point for you. Give it a go you never know !!!



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Coming from a farming family and already having shooting in the area you should be fine.Just remember to turn up smartly dressed as first impressions do count.Explain who you are and mention where you shoot that should give you a foot in the door so to speak.If you get turned down leave you details in case the situation changes.Being insured by BASC or CA is also an advantage.No matter what your age is there is always a chance you will be refused shooting .I have found in most cases it's being in the right place at the right time.Just today went to see a farmer about pigeon shooting and came away with rabbit shooting instead.He had an immediate problem and I was there at the right time. Best of luck for the future.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you grew up in the area on a farm did you not go to school with other farmers children who would know you and advise their fathers to let you shoot. Join young farmers and meet local farmers socially, offer free help on farms in return for shooting. You will get a lot of shooting via reputation you will get out of it what you put into it. We had one farm that we must have asked at least ten times when you could show them the birds were damaging crops eventually they let us shoot for the day and we had at least a ton plus . We now get people ask how we got permission as he will not let people shoot but he phones us know.


Good luck and let us now

Edited by pigeon controller
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