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Stiff Ejectors


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Evening gents


Is there a way of lightening the ejectors on a side by side? What I mean is when the gun has been fired and the cartridges ejected when you close the gun it's pretty stiff. Not bad for me but my son struggles to close the gun. Alternatively is it possible to de activate the ejectors?





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Maybe the cocking dogs these are moved by the forend to cock the action when closed, it may of course be the main springs I'm not familiar with kestral action but no doubt based on a time served design. Stiff to open may be ejectors but stiff to close possibly not.

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The ejectors can be disabled. This can be done either by removing the springs (best done by a gunsmith unless you are confident you can do it) - or by a small modification adding a screw so that they can be turned on or off. This can be done on AyAs and was written up by Gough Thomas - and I assume it would also be possible on any 'Southgate' pattern ejector - which almost all Spanish guns are. I have shown the Gough Thomas article here.GoughThomasAyAejectors_zps33ee5347.jpg

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It is the pressure of the springs on the ejector kickers [ combined with a too small ejector cam IMHO]They can be eased but it needs the kickers reshaping and subsequently regulating or timing . Lightening the ejector springs sometimes helps but it is the actual cocking of the kickers that is the problem and has been a common complaint with numerous Spanish guns of this type .

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